I spend a lot of time observing nature as I wander and work in the woods, creek and fields. Whether on my property near the #ChickamaugaNMP in Northwest Georgia, at my relatives in Arizona, Wisconsin or Washington, or traveling around this fantastic country (and world), I’ve always loved seeing God’s creations, and how they work together (and how that connection makes me feel). Recently, I’ve been wondering about the purpose of observing everything I’ve seen, heard, sensed and felt.

Nature observing has its place, certainly. Connecting with the earth, observing the interaction of flora and fauna, especially the pollenators, birds and plants, is interesting and helps ground me. Still, I sometimes wonder: “So what? This benefits me, I like the way I feel after getting out in Nature. But … So What? What good does it do for the world, or for anyone else?”
This, of course, begs the question: Does everything we do have to have a purpose? Is “doing nothing” still worthwhile? Or are we always doing something, even when we’re doing something? More importantly, does the value of what we do, especially what we’re observing or doing in nature, increase just because it does have a purpose? (AND, on the opposite end of the spectrum, does observing (or any other activity) have less value (or no value) if it doesn’t have a purpose?)
As I was thinking about the value of observing nature, I came up with a haiku that expresses perhaps how I felt about nature observation.
I say “perhaps”, because I’m not certain that every time I observe nature, I’m learning something. More importantly, do I always share it with others? Definitely not! So maybe having this thought — which was clearly inspiration — means that I need to pay attention to what I’m hearing, seeing, and feeling. Most importantly, maybe it’s a mandate to me to make certain to share what I learn with others.
Because, after all, any observation is going to teach us something. And something learned is remembered (and learned) deeper and more significantly if it’s imbedded into the hypercampus by being shared with and taught to others.
Sharing my nature observations and work feels right!