Old Woman of the Woods oak tree with a sunset and sundog, January, 2022 near Chickamauga NMP, NW Georgia

Observing Nature with a Purpose

I spend a lot of time observing nature as I wander and work in the woods, creek and fields. Whether on my property near the #ChickamaugaNMP in Northwest Georgia, at my relatives in Arizona, Wisconsin or Washington, or traveling around this fantastic country (and world), I’ve always loved seeing God’s creations, and how they work […]

Take time to see dandelions at sunset -- feel nature

Feel Nature: Get Outside Often

We need to get outside, to breathe fresh air, to see the sun, to feel nature. There was a time, when I worked at Microsoft near Seattle, where I never saw the sun. Even now, memories of sitting in a closet-like room with no windows, where I had to walk out a door and look […]

Harvesting Elderberries, NOT Pokeweed / Pokeberries!

Lots of folks are out harvesting elderberries, especially the North American native American Elderberry, or Sambucus Canadensis. Health benefits abound! BUT, many people are posting photos of Pokeweed or Pokeberry (also known as Pokesalat) on social media, and asking: Are these Elderberries? NO! And knowing the difference when you’re harvesting elderberries is critical! Pokeweed berries […]

Earth + Us Part 2: Weeding Uncovers Treasures Haiku

Weeding out the bad/ that shouldn’t be there makes room for the good that should. Backstory: My wife wrote Earth + Us about pulling privet. This is an update. I was motivated to pull out a massive clump of several very old and large privet on my NW Georgia property (privet is an invasive, non-native […]

Water Rapids, Negative Ions, Immune System Boost

Recently, I relaxed in the water rapids and deep pools of the #WestChickamaugaCreek near my home in Northwest Georgia. It was a typical hot, muggy, sunny Georgia noon, and the cool water called my name. As I floated, wandered and sat in the creek — sometimes only inches deep, sometimes over my head — I […]

Earth Day At 50 With Me: Haiku – Haibun Memory

Earth Day’s 50! Then:/ I’m in Milwaukee’s River./ Now: I’ll plant Earth’s fields. Earth Day is 50! A half century ago I stood in the Milwaukee River in Estabrook Park near my home in Glendale, Wisconsin, loudly singing with other youth and cleaning out the old tires, mattress springs, tin cans and other junk that […]

Why Make And Maintain A Natural Yard: For The Birds, Bees and Butterflies

Natural yards for the birds, bees and butterflies — and for the pleasure they brings human senses — are nothing new. I personally have created my own natural yard for decades, as has my brother. Where did that inspiration come from? Our forest ranger father, who taught all my siblings that lawns were silly, foolish, […]

Scents The Fog Reveals – Free Verse

As the sun sets through oak and hickory trees, the cold fog brings a new set of smells, rich and deep, as though you could stick out a butter knife and cut a little square of the air and pop it into your mouth and let it dissolve into rich, earthy flavors: Fresh mown hay, […]