Robin Totem & My Supermodel for Joy

robin in northwest Georgia in the winter

Last week Dave and I were outside and saw a flock of robins – twenty or so. We were both shocked to see robins at the beginning of February in Northwest Georgia. Anytime Dave spots something in nature that’s unusual, he takes note and points it out to me.

Years ago a friend taught me to look up the meaning of animals. All of nature is teaching us something – the plants, the trees, the seasons, the cycles. Each creature has a distinct set of characteristics and lessons to teach us. As I’ve looked up the symbolism of animals, birds and insects over the years, I’ve gotten uncanny insights into what I needed to know or do right then in my life.

This morning I was thinking about those robins and decided to look up there meaning. Robin totem has a cheerful message that was just what I needed to hear… and confirmed the spiritual promptings I’ve had to disconnect from the world’s tumult of opinions and spend more time connecting with the good news God has for us. Here’s what I found:

“Figuratively, the robin’s presence in the spring symbolizes the re-awakening our sleeping awareness. We must get back in tune with our intuitive and lively side, moving down our chosen paths with energy and fervor. Through singing, the robin speaks to us directly of the bright and positive road ahead of us in this new season or chapter of our lives. It tells us to forget the grayness, dullness, or negativity that has been plaguing our lives lately and embrace the coming days of sunlight. We needn’t be afraid of these new beginnings – we must celebrate them.”

I don’t know about you, but it’s easy in today’s world to get weighed down by heavy subjects. Negative “news” is constantly in our faces. Something’s always stirring the pot and people are constantly taking sides in a tumult of opinions and war of words. As a seeker of truth who puts a high value on understanding concepts, people, and principles, I find myself often sorting through the mess, trying to discern truth from error.

You can’t sort through all that manure without getting stink on you or developing a sour outlook. Lately, I’ve been backing away from it all, feeling led to disconnect from the propaganda and stay off social media except for my work.  When I looked up the message of the robin, I thought about how I really could use this perspective shift that the robin conveys. The robins showed up in a flock to confirm my inner knowing to look for a bright new beginning.

David eating fresh mango in Puerto Rico. March 2019

Fortunately, I live with a man who has a natural cheery temperament. There is something amazing that happens when you have the blessing of being around someone who puts no limits or bounds on their exuberance or zest for life.

Most of my life I’ve been quite inhibited, timid, and too concerned about whether I looked the fool in front of someone else. Then I met David, and he lives life full out. He doesn’t hold anything back. I call him my “super model for joie de vivre” (the French term for hearty, carefree enjoyment of life).

Because he’s willing to show up in full joy, happiness, and friendliness… as a bright shiny star… he makes it safe for me to cut loose more too. I worry less about what others think because he’s blazing the trail for me.

If you have it in you to be a trail blazer for joy, think of what that will do for everyone else in your life! I honestly don’t think I knew what joy was until David came along. He showed me how to really experience it. We all need more super models for joy!

Today, I’m thanking that flock of robins who showed up to remind both of us to look for the good and to expect amazing and wonderful things ahead.

Featured Image Copyright: Sandra Burm /

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Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a bestselling author and business consultant who has written over 31 books. What might earth stewardship look like in the future? Marnie's new novel, “Z: A Dystopian / Millennium Novel” illustrates what a healthy relationship with nature can look like in a world gone haywire.

Marnie has also written inspirational nonfiction books like Trust Your Heart: Spirit-Led Business. Marnie also has written several historical fiction novels set in the south like Angel and the Enemy and An Uncertain Justice. You may visit her personal blog and read more about her story and how she met and married Dave Kuhns at