Every place has pests and problems to deal with, its own Trouble In Paradise. Wisconsin mosquitos and cold, Arizona’s oppressive heat and poisonous bugs and snakes, Washington state’s rain and mold and rain and dampness, Georgia’s bugs and heat and humidity and CHIGGERS! As part of the #LightTheWorldNow #BuildHisKingdom project, I was thinking about the dozens of chigger bites I got working in the garden the other day … and came up with this video! #DealWithWhatYouHave #TroubleInParadise
Here’s a good link about the difference between chiggers and bedbugs: https://thepestkillers.com/chigger-bites-vs-bed-bug-bites/.
The reality is, the chiggers in my garden haven’t gone away. My legs, butt and waist look like a pimpled mess. And I’m learning — with an almost medative, yoga, Ghandi-like resolve — to just accept what I have, to not scratch to much, to use liberal amounts of cortizone cream and rubbing alcohol, and just accept things. Oh, did I say that already? Well, I guess that’s the lesson!
Fun, relevant message, Dave! I remember the chiggers from camp-ugh! You are a solution seeker, even it just means to adapt. Am eager to follow you and your new wife in your together journey to Light the World, Build the Kingdom:)