So Much Nature! Not Too Much I Hope!

My property in Northwest Georgia is covered with nature I don’t recognize. New flowers. New trees. New bugs. New birds. Things I’ve never heard, seen, smelled or felt before. It’s almost as if I can’t keep up. Is it possible that there is just too much to learn?

Not to mention, it’s Spring, which means (of course) that there is SO MUCH going on right now. Leaves are budding. Wildflowers are blooming. Birds are migrating in, mating, nesting, calling, being really noisy (in a wonderful way).

I did see a pair of Canada geese in the sod field on the way in — I recognize THEM (and, of course, had to say hello!) It’s nice when you can tell what something is!

Fortunately, my step-daughter’s roommate is marrying a guy who is getting his masters in local flora at the University of Georgia. She told me I could send him photos of flora and fauna I don’t recognize, and he can help me!

Here’s hoping!

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David Kuhns

Dave Kuhns is originally a quasi-city boy from suburban Milwaukee, but he spent weekends and summers in nature on Lake Winneconne in central Wisconsin. After raising his kids in a Seattle suburb, he moved to a small town in central Utah. He figured he’d buy some rural property there, or back in the Badger State.

Then he fell in love. Through a series of amazing events, he bought a rural property (a few acres) across the creek from the Chickamauga National Military Park (Civil War battlefield). There, he and his new wife are putting into reality the conservation, gardening and land management practices he learned from his grandmother, his forest ranger Dad, his little brother, and his own surburban experience.