Nature’s Guys: Two Brothers, East Coast and West Coast, Home in the Woods

My brother (Gene Kuhns, Jr.) and I (David Kuhns) connect to nature. We have since we were young. Our Dad and Grandma Bertha, as well as aunts, uncles and family members, taught us how.

He's planting and organizing 10 acres on Vashon Island (near Seattle). I recently moved to 5+ acres of cedar and hickory woods along West Chickamauga Creek in Northwest Georgia. We're both working toward natural and self-sustaining lifestyles. Wildflower cultivation; bee, butterfly and bird attracting; organic gardening: In short, getting off the grid and back to the woods, fields and waters as much as possible. He's an energetic, engineering type. I'm the contemplative, creative type. (He gets stuff done. I think and write about it!) We capture -- with photos and writing -- what we observe and learn. Follow the Nature Guy(s) and our opposite coast adventures!


robin in northwest Georgia in the winter

Robin Totem & My Supermodel for Joy

Last week Dave and I were outside and saw a flock of robins – twenty or so. We were both shocked to see robins at the beginning of February in Northwest Georgia. Anytime Dave spots something in nature that’s unusual, he takes note and points it out to me. Years ago a friend taught me […]

Earth + Us Part 2: Weeding Uncovers Treasures Haiku

Weeding out the bad/ that shouldn’t be there makes room for the good that should. Backstory: My wife wrote Earth + Us about pulling privet. This is an update. I was motivated to pull out a massive clump of several very old and large privet on my NW Georgia property (privet is an invasive, non-native […]

The Earth Needs Us: Pulling Privet and Braiding Sweet Grass

Earth+Us: Lessons from Braiding Sweetgrass & Pulling Privet

I’m reading “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. It’s about Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants written by a scientist who is also a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. Kimmerer teaches botany and ecology at a university several times a week. One morning, she surveyed her 3rd year students, asking them […]

Volunteer Pumpkin

Volunteer Pumpkins and Compensating Blessings

This random pumpkin showed up in our yard and taught me about compensating blessings and how sowing and reaping can come in unexpected ways. I don’t recall ever tossing any pumpkin out in our front yard. It isn’t a composting area, and we’ve never even planted pumpkin that I know of. Perhaps Dave dropped a […]

Elderberry and COVID-19. Can it prevent? Can it be used after you have COVID?

Elderberry and COVID-19: Should You Use It?

One of the best anti-virals is zinc. The problem with zinc is that it doesn’t readily absorb into the cells like other minerals do. You need something else to open up the cells so the body can use zinc. Quercetin is one of the things that will open up the cells and used in conjunction […]

medicinal value of elderberries - elderberry juice or syrup recipe

Build Your Immune System with Quercetin Rich Elderberry Juice

Elderberry Syrup / Juice is a Great Source of Quercetin Quercetin in combination with zinc and Vitamin C makes a fantastic immune system booster / anti-viral home remedy. Elderberry juice concentrate has 108.16 Mg of Quercetin / 100 grams. Here’s How Quercetin and Zinc Work Together to Build Your Immune System Zinc is one of […]

gluten free blueberry pancakes - groats and coconut flour

Recipe: Gluten Free Blueberry Pancakes

A friend is staying with us who is gluten intolerant. I’m also trying to get back to using only unprocessed sugars and unprocessed grains. So I made up this recipe using freshly ground groats. I love these gluten free blueberry pancakes. They are delicious. Ingredients 2 cups freshly ground and sifted groat flour (I buy […]

Water Rapids, Negative Ions, Immune System Boost

Recently, I relaxed in the water rapids and deep pools of the #WestChickamaugaCreek near my home in Northwest Georgia. It was a typical hot, muggy, sunny Georgia noon, and the cool water called my name. As I floated, wandered and sat in the creek — sometimes only inches deep, sometimes over my head — I […]

Blueberry Biscuit Recipe – Southern Homemade Style

Every year, I love to go blueberry picking at The Blueberry Farm on Alabama Highway in Lafayette, Georgia. My family has been going there for over a decade. We used to take the six children and have the whole family picking. This year Dave and I took our friend Stacie with us and had a […]

chigger mite

Chigger Remedy – Recipe for My Bug Bite Treatment

This is my all-natural recipe for chigger bites. It soothes and eliminate itching and pain from chigger bites and mosquito bites. If you’ve ever been bit by chiggers, you know what torment feels like. Even though my husband and I wear long socks and long pants, every summer we still end up with literally dozens […]

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