Harvesting Elderberries, NOT Pokeweed / Pokeberries!

Lots of folks are out harvesting elderberries, especially the North American native American Elderberry, or Sambucus Canadensis. Health benefits abound! BUT, many people are posting photos of Pokeweed or Pokeberry (also known as Pokesalat) on social media, and asking: Are these Elderberries? NO! And knowing the difference when you’re harvesting elderberries is critical! Pokeweed berries […]

Making Healthy Elderflower Tea

Elderflower tea may boost your immune system in the same way that elderberry juice does. This healthy tea, served hot or cold, is a refreshing drink that’s available in the early summer, well before elderberries are ripe. And tea from elderflowers is simple to make, with only a few things to watch out for. Check […]