Cushaw bread recipe with no processed sugars. Sweetened with dates, raisins, honey, molasses, and applesauce. Sugarless.

Cushaw Bread Recipe: No Processed Sugars

I adapted my Granny White’s zucchini bread recipe to make this cushaw bread recipe. She used regular white sugar in her zucchini bread. We’re trying to eat less processed sugar so I created a substitute that uses dates, raisins, honey, molasses, and apple sauce. Cushaw bread is a bit dryer than zucchini bread so the […]

cushaw squash pie recipe

Cushaw Squash Pie Recipe – Like Pumpkin Pies

My dad gave us some cushaw squash starts and they really took off this summer. From a single vine, we’ve gathered about ten 15-20 pound cushaw squash. We’ve made pies, bread, soup, casseroles and baked herb squash. We’ve given away several of cushaws, and as much as I’ve cooked, we’ve only gone through 1.5 of […]