This evening, just before the sun set, I walked around the edge of my driveway, taking photos of tree in my yard (specifically on the edge of my property). I was stunned by the bio-diversity of this small plot of land. within the distance I can throw a baseball (which isn’t very far), I have more than a dozen species of deciduous trees, not to mention the wildflowers, vines, evergreens (mostly cedars) and other flora, all planted by the Hand of Heavenly Father.
A few minutes later, after the sun set, sat inside, mulling over the entire experience. At that moment, the evening and everything I’d learned was wrapped up by my wife improv playing on her piano. It became a magical evening of nature, music, peace, and education.
Here’s a sonnet I wrote about it, and a compilation of photos of leaves of some of the species of trees in my yard.

Trees in my yard include: Bur Oak, Slippery Elm, American Elm, White Ash, American Chestnut (I hope!), Black Walnut, Black Cherry, Northern Red Oak, English Oak, Boxelder, White Oak, Shagbark Hickory, Winged Elm, American Sycamore, Callery Pear, Eastern White Pine, American Beech, Sweetgum, Black Locust, Maple(s), Red Cedar … and more!